Introduction of expansion valves

 As you may know, several types of expansion valves are utilized to transform a liquid into a gas in the evaporator. This article will examine Thermal Expansion Valves in detail, which are an essential component of HVAC systems.

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Thermal expansion valves (sometimes abbreviated as TEV, TXV, or TX valve) are the refrigeration and air conditioning throttling device that controls the amount of refrigerant liquid injected into a system's evaporator (based on the evaporator outlet temperature and pressure) called superheat.

The thermal expansion valve is utilized in refrigeration plants with capacities of hundreds of thousands or millions of BTU. It's also used in split air conditioners, packaged air conditioners, central air conditioners, and many other sorts of systems.

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Thermal Expansion Valve Advantages

Adaptable Refrigerant Flow

The thermostat controls the refrigerant flow into the evaporator to compensate for the enclosure's heat load. This allows you to react promptly to an increase or decrease in heat radiated by your electrical equipment. Any fluctuations in temperature inside the enclosure will be immediately corrected. Click for reading more.



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