Learn more about Multimeters and their types

 You have read the name of multimeter in university physics textbooks, and you are familiar with it. In this article, we will introduce the multimeter and examine its types. Read this article to the end.

A multimeter is a device for measuring electrical quantities such as current, voltage, electrical resistance. It can also be used to check the health of electrical or electronic components.

Also called Avometer. This device is an essential tool needed by repairmen and electrical professionals. Analog multimeters use a microammeter with a moving pointer to display readings. Digital multimeters (DMMDVOM) have numeric displays and have made analog multimeters obsolete as they are cheaper, more precise, and more physically robust than analog multimeters.

The electrical quantity to be measured in the multimeter and its limits can be selected by a rotating selector (rotary selector switch). To use a multimeter, you need to be familiar with each of the electrical quantities, as each has a specific unit. In the following, we will introduce the Types of Multimeters.

In general, we introduce five categories of multimeters. Which include :

  • Analog Multimeter
  • Digital Multimeters
  • Fluke Multimeter
  • Clamp Digital Multimeter
  • Autoranging Multimeter

The Analog Multimeter or VOM (Volt-Ohm-Milliammeter) is constructed using a moving coil meter and a pointer to indicate the reading on the scale. The moving coil meter consists of a coil wound around a drum placed between two permanent magnets. To read more about different types of multimeters, refer to the following sources.







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