Everything about Water Chiller System

 What is a water chiller? What is its use? In a simple and concise definition, we can say that a water chiller is a system for lowering the temperature and actually cooling the water. Join us to take a closer look at the water chiller system.

Chillers fall under two categories: vapor absorption and vapor compression. Between these two categories the vapor compression chillers are the most common in use. One kind of categorization put vapor compression chillers into two different categories of air chillers and water chiller systems. Moreover, there is another way of categorization of vapor compression chillers which is based on the type of compressor technology. According to this categorization, we have centrifugal, scroll, reciprocating and screw chillers. If we want to have a very short and brief description of chillers, we have to say that a water chiller system is a device that is used to cool the water temperature down.

In hydroponics, pumps, lights and ambient heat can warm the reservoir water temperatures, leading to plant root and health problems. For ideal plant health, a chiller can be used to lower the water temperature below ambient level; 68°F (20°C) is a good temperature for most plants. This results in healthy root production and efficient absorption of nutrients.

Click to read more about the water chiller system.







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